
37423 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94536

About SchmartBoard

SchmartBoard is the destination for people who want to hand solder surface mount (SMT) components. Are you an engineer, technician, educator, student or DIY hobbyist who has avoided utilizing SMT components? Those days are officially over, because with SchmartBoard practically anyone can hand solder SOIC, QFP, PLCC, QFN, BGA and discrete surface mount components.

Forget all of those difficult hand soldering techniques and special surface mount soldering tools. With SchmartBoard hand soldering surface mount components is even easier than hand soldering through hole. Instead of denying yourself the most current chip technology or paying a fortune for prototyping, you can now use today’s most advance chip technologies in your circuits. SchmartBoard|ez makes hand soldering SMT parts fast, easy and flawless.

Competitors of SchmartBoard

Pico Electronics

Founded in 1967, Pico Electronics specializes in miniature electronic components for industrial, military, and COTS use. Pico offers Inductors and Transformers with high quality, low profile (from .18" ht.), Audio Transformers, Pulse Transformers, DC-DC Converter Transformers, MultiPlex Data Bus... Read More

Power Electronics Read More

Headquartered in Gardena, California, Segue Electronics is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for the electronics industries. For more than 30 years Segue has efficiently met the requirements of many satisfied customers for a subcontractor with outstanding product reliability and cost... Read More