LumaSense Technologies

3301 Leonard Court
Santa Clara, CA 95054

About LumaSense Technologies

With the following brands LumaSense Technologies is a global leader in providing temperature and gas sensing solutions to industrial, energy, medical and clean technology markets.

Impac - Solutions for Infrared Temperature Measurement from -50 to 4000°C. Operating efficiently in a variety of applications under the toughest conditions.

Luxtron - Patented Fluoroptic technology for fiber optic temperature sensing. Immune to the effects of EMI, including RF and high voltage.

Mikron - Infrared thermal imagers for cost-effective monitoring and control of critical industrial processes. Calibration instruments are also available.

Innova - Systems for the detection, monitoring and analysis of a wide range of gases with a very low detection limit (ppb). Based on infrared photo-acoustic and magneto-acoustic spectroscopy technology.

Andros - Products choice of OEMs needing high-performance, high-quality gas sensing solutions in the most demanding medical and industrial environments

Competitors of LumaSense Technologies

With the following brands LumaSense Technologies is a global leader in providing temperature and gas sensing solutions to industrial, energy, medical and clean technology markets. Impac - Solutions for Infrared Temperature Measurement from -50 to 4000°C. Operating efficiently in a variety of... Read More