Ion Physics Corporation

373 Main St, P.O. Box 165
Fremont, NH 03044

About Ion Physics Corporation

IPC's current monitors are used in almost any situation where pulsed or AC currents have to be accurately known. IPC's monitors are wide-band current transformers which convert the current signal into a proportional voltage signal which is then displayed on an oscilloscope or other voltage measuring device.

Because of this conversion they are also referred to as transducers, current transformers, CT’s, broadband current monitors, wide band current monitors, high frequency current monitors, current pulse monitors, current probes and current sensors. IPC's current monitors measure currents from milli-amps to mega-amps and from milli-Hertz to frequencies exceeding 100 mega-Hertz.

Competitors of Ion Physics Corporation

Ion Physics Corporation

IPC's current monitors are used in almost any situation where pulsed or AC currents have to be accurately known. IPC's monitors are wide-band current transformers which convert the current signal into a proportional voltage signal which is then displayed on an oscilloscope or other voltage... Read More

Products by Ion Physics Corporation

By Ion Physics Corporation

IPC's current monitors are wide band current transformers that measure ac or pulse currents with an oscilloscope or other voltage-sensing instrument. By passing the current-carrying conductor or charged particle beam through the monitor opening, the monitor will sense the associated magnetic... Read more »

By Ion Physics Corporation

Fast Risetime, Long Life The Mini Marx™ generators provide fast risetime and exponentially decaying pulses. The generators are housed in a compact, moveable, aluminum tank and constructed in standardized modular stages designed to provide lifetimes in excess of 100,000 shots. Variable Pulse... Read more »