Hypot III

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Hypot® III is a bench top Dielectric Withstand tester with an enhanced Graphic LCD and entry-level automation with an RS-232 interface. The Hypot® III family consists of three models: the 3705, the 3765, and the 3770. The 3705 is an AC Hipot tester, the 3765 is an AC/DC Hipot Tester, and the 3770 is an AC/DC/IR Hipot tester. All models can be used as bench top instruments or controlled remotely via RS-232 or an enhanced PLC Remote Control. Additionally, all models can be interconnected to the HYAMP® III family of Ground Bond testers to form a complete test system with a single DUT connection. It provides the latest technology and is well suited for entry level Hipot testing applications.

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